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Getting started with cPanel: Part 2 by Daniel

Last updated: 02/05/2012
Biography: Daniel has been interested in web design since 1999, when he first started designing a personal website. Since then, he has learnt much, and is interested in new web standards like XHTML and CSS, and in PHP.

Daniel is responsible for managing the 4WebHelp Forums, along with the forum moderators. He should be contacted for any modifications to your forum account (which you cannot do through the phpBB interface) and for any issues you may have with moderation.
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Spam Protection

cPanel has multiple options for spam protection. The most important is Spam Assassin, which gives emails "points" according to their content and header. If the email reaches a certain number of points (default is 5), it is marked as spam with a line in the header, and optionally, a mark in the subject. A list of the tests which Spam Assassin performs in order to determine whether an email is spam is available at

To enable Spam Assassin, simply click on the "Mail Manager" link, and then click "Spam Assassin". Then click the "Enable Spam Assassin" button:

cPanel also has a feature called "mail blockers" or "filters". Simply put, it enables you to automatically delete emails based on your own criteria. Note that emails deleted cannot be recuperated. To add a filter, click "Mail Manager", then "Block an E-mail", and then "Add Filter":

Lastly, Horde has a filter tool, however it is only applied when logging on to IMP Webmail, so it is only really useful if you make use of webmail. To use it, login to Horde (see Part 1), click the "Options" icon, click "Filters" and then click "Edit your filter rules":


In cPanel, click "MySQL Database". You will now be presented with the cPanel database administration area.

Adding a database

Fill in the "Db:" form:

Note that your database's name will be prefixed with "username_", "username" being your cPanel username. This enables you to create databases with nearly any name you want, but remember that when connecting to this database with a script, you have to include the "username_" part in the database name.

The database has now been created. However, it cannot be accessed yet. You now have to add a MySQL user:

Once the user has been created, you will have to grant it access to the database you just created:

If you wish to administer your database from your own PC, via a program like MySQLFront, you will need to add an "access host".

For example, if your Internet Service Provider is AOL, enter "". You can also use this to grant access to a database from another server, for example if you have a website on a different server which needs to access this database. To do this, instead of entering, enter the IP of the server which needs access, like this: "".

Cron Jobs

cPanel has two easy to use interfaces for dealing with cron jobs: a user friendly one, and a more traditional Unix style one. Use whichever you feel comfortable with, but the user friendly one has slightly fewer options. To access the cron job manager, click "Cron Jobs", and then click on the appropriate button:

The Standard interface:

The first field to fill in is the address to send cron output to. This is usually just an email which says the task has been run, but this depends on what task you are running. If you don't want these emails, leave the field blank. The actual entry form is quite straightforward: you type the command you wish to run, and choose when it should be run.

The Unix style interface:

The Unix style interface might offer an interface closer to what you're used to if you've ever worked with Unix. There is a row for each job, as well as columns for timing, and a last column for the command to be run. Please read Dave's tutorial for more information on timing cron jobs.


Anonymous FTP

This feature is often disabled by the server administrator, however, if you have access to it, it allows you to let visitors login to your FTP server and download files you offer for download, as well as upload files if you wish. To enable anonymous FTP, click "FTP Manager", and then "Anonymous FTP Controls". Check the first box to allow people to download files, and check the second to allow people to upload files:

Note: Nobody will be able to access your website's files via Anonymous FTP - the anonymous FTP area and your website's files are separate.

To connect to your anonymous FTP server, use the username You can also access it as an administrator, to upload files for example, by connecting to your account via FTP (see Part 1) and opening the "public_ftp" folder.

Adding an account

Depending on your host, you can add a certain number of FTP users. After entering the "FTP Manager", click "FTP Accounts":

A number of accounts are created by default: the main account, which you can connect to with your cPanel username, the anonymous FTP account, which may or may not do anything (depending on your host), an ftp account and a logs account (to view your Apache logs).

Additional FTP accounts only serve one real purpose: allowing someone else to access your account, but not using your username and password. Additional accounts can access the whole account, or only a certain directory, if you wish. To add an account, click "Add Account":

In the directory field, either put a /, if you wish to allow the account access to all the website's files, or enter a / followed by a directory name, to allow the account access to only that directory ("/shared_files/" for example).

Once the account has been created, to connect using this account, use as a username in your FTP client (and not just "username", as the FTP server needs to know what domain this account is for, since you could call it a generic name like "general", and this account could exist under multiple domains on the server).

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© 4WebHelp and Daniel

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