You are using a browser which is not compatible with CSS (for more information, see Tara's tutorial). Because of this, it is possible that our website may not appear correctly in your browser. We apologise for the inconvenience, and recommend you upgrade your browser to one which is compatible with CSS. For more information, please visit our Browser Upgrade page.


Banners / Link to us



To link to us with a banner, use the following HTML code:

<a href=""><img src="path_to_image_saved_to_YOUR_site.gif" alt="4WebHelp - the site with resources for the budding webmaster" height="height_of_chosen_banner" width="width_of_chosen_banner" border="0"></a>

Or, to link to us with a text link, use the following HTML code:

<a href=""> - The site with resources for the budding webmaster</a>

Please note that you will have to upload the banner to your site before being able to use it, as we have implemented a bandwidth theft prevention system, which means that if you just insert the image on your site without saving it, the banner will not appear.

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