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Using your own Local Test Server with the works! by Amadeus

Last updated: 02/05/2012

What and Who is this Tutorial for?

This is intended for the dial-up user, who pays for their access per minute lets say, but is applicable to anyone who does a lot of coding and designing for their site, and would like to test it immediately, instead of going through all the hassle of uploading etc.

If you have a website which you use with server-side thingamajiggies in it (PHP, Perl CGI, SHTML, mySQL etc.) then you will know that having to upload every time you change your code to test it is not only:

  • expensive
  • time-consuming
  • totally in-e-fficient
  • totally unnecessary

Wouldn't it be great if you could turn your own computer into a mini web server of its own, that would allow you to use your browser just like a real site to test it? Well, get ready folks, you can!

This tutorial is all about easily installing and setting up a fantastic web server just like your web host has. In fact, it'll be practically identical, but you have the easy option of not having to spend hours and hours pondering and configuring it for security etc. After all, you're the only one who's going to be using it!

Do I want "server-side thingamajiggies" from my website?

There are two "sides" to this:

  • client side
  • server side

Now client side applications are like Javascript, DHTML and all that junk which the user has to spend precious nano-seconds processing on his/her computer. Might not sound a big deal, but what if the user has disabled Javascript? You'd be a bit stuck then, so get it processed server-side (php, cgi etc.). This means (you got it...) the server does all the hard work and sends the user a simple html page - which will work for every browser regardless of what they have and have not disabled. It means your pages load faster and are available to practically all your users, just the way you want it to look!

There's a whole lot of arguments about the differences, pros, cons etc. for client side and server side, and if you're that interested, you can look it up on a search engine...

It's also useful if using pre-made scripts like message boards, so you can test modifications and style changes without the risk of screwing up your site.


Not many, just a few differences between you and your hosts servers:
  • if you're using windows, and your host is using Unix (most likely) you'll have to disable flocking, just # out any flock statements (if you don't know what this is, then you don't have to worry about it...)
  • you might have to change absolute paths for your scripts, although if you use $PHP_SELF etc. for forms then there are no worries there... (again, if you don't get this, you don't need to)

Let's Go!

A few words before we start, on the syntax of this tutorial (read colors):

Perl/HTML/Apache code, altered Perl/HTML/Apache code, directories, files, links.

The main source for this tutorial was an article in the TLC Perl Articles website.

Right, let's begin! What do you need to do?

After each step, you can test each relevant component.

Install Apache Web Server (top)

Wass this "Apache" business then? Well, Apache is the name of a supa-doopa webserver which most hosts use. A webserver is the thing that intercepts peoples requests (ie. i wanna see index.html) and gives them back useful stuff (ie. <html><head> etc.).

Why Apache? Well, like I said, Apache is used by the majority of hosts, and if you use a different server yourself (read on) you'll have to make sure you configure all your files so they are useable with Apache (not that that will be a huge job).

What other servers are there? Lots, Windows has built in IIS, but that really sucks - Personal Web Server etc. They just... suck. besides, Apache is open source as well, which is even better (although not very helpful for us in this tutorial).

So, this is how you easily install Apache on your computer.

NOTE: I use Windows XP, which is basically NT, so there may be differences between what I describe and what you see, in reference to services etc. If you're using Linux, well, if you are using Linux, you should be smart enough to figure it out yourself...

Download Apache (back to Apache top)

You can download lots of of Apache versions, not just the Windows ones. There are various Windows versions in MSI (Microsoft Installer) format (you should have this if Windows 2000 and above, and can download it from Microsoft for Windows 95 & 98).

The latest version available as of time of writing is 2.0.39 so if you're reading this and a newer version has come out, just apply everything later on equally. To minimise download times, choose the version which has no_ssl in it and don't get the one with src in it (this means no source included nor secure server stuff, which means a smaller file and the quicker to get this working)

Download Apache Win32 Platform (ie. windows users)

Download Apache All Platforms (unix etc. - there's lots!)

Remember to choose the latest version, with no src and no_ssl in it.

Install It (back to Apache top)

Run the install program, and click through, you should see a "Server Information" page. Now:

  • Server Name: localhost
  • Server Address: localhost
  • Administrator Email: local@host

You get the idea - anything that asks you for server address, use localhost, email can be anything you like.

localhost = which is the IP address for your computer (local... host). This means that when you type in localhost in your browser, you're trying to connect to yourself - when you have everything installed properly, this is the address you'll use to connect to yourself (http://localhost). You'll get an error if you try it and you've not a webserver running...

Keep all the defaults for paths and options, it will install to: c:\program files\Apache Group\Apache2 which you can change to c:\apache if you like, as it will be quicker to type when editing...

That should be done fairly quickly. Just click yes to most stuff. Make sure you don't run it yet, 'cos we need to change a teeny weeny bit of stuff in it.

If you are using Windows 2000, XP (ie NT) then Apache will install itself as a service which will run automatically in the background when you start your computer - a little icon will be in the system tray for stopping and starting the server (useful when you configure it later.)

If you are using Windows 98 or 95, it won't run as a service and you'll have to start the server manually via the start menu => programs option, it will pop up a nasty console box, but you'll have to live with it.

Modify it (back to Apache top)

Before you run it (make sure it's stopped if it first. If you got hasty and ran it already, you can Control-C the Apache box if you're on Windows 98 or just click on the Apache symbol on the system tray and tell it to stop the server if on NT (XP & 2000)) you have to modify it a little bit. Which is easy to do, and won't take long. Apache is easier and has less to modify...

Open up the httpd.conf file in Notepad or something from the c:\program files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf directory, or from the Start Menu option => Configure Server.

You should a whole bunch of these: # and some writing 'n' stuff. Scroll down until you see:

<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs">

Then find just below that:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

and change it to:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +Includes

Make sure:

AllowOverride None

Looks like:

AllowOverride All

These make sure SSI and .htaccess work for you. If you don't want 'em, don't add 'em!

Scroll down a bit, and make sure:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var

looks like:

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.shtml index.php

if you want your index file to be a php, you can add all sorts of things here, like home.htm etc. This means that when someone types in they will get or /index.php etc. If you don't set a valid option and have a file like mymainpage.htm then you'll get an error message (or worse) a directory listing...

Scroll down a whole lot more and find:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/cgi-bin/"

Now if you have a cgi-bin in your public_html folder like:

index.html (file)
<images> (folder)
<cgi-bin> (folder)

then you need to change this to:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/cgi-bin/"

ie. the htdocs is the equivalent of your public_html folder... If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just leave it.

Some hosts have "anywhere CGI" enabled, so you can have this cgi-bin folder... other hosts have a cgi-bin they give you which isn't in the public_html directory: all in all, it's best to mimic your host's server as much as poss so it's all dead easy for you to use.

If you want to use PHP (if you don't, skip this), then we might as well add that it now, seeing as we are in the right place - add:

ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"

just below the ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ bit. Note that c:/php is the directory we're going to install PHP into, if you want to choose a different one, go ahead and change it, but remember for later.

Back to CGI... change:

<Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

(just below the script alias) to

<Directory "c:/program files/apache group/apache2/htdocs/cgi-bin">
AllowOverride All
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

This makes sure CGI is executed in the cgi-bin directory

Scroll to find:

#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

and change it to:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

This makes sure .pl and .cgi are executed.

Make sure:

#AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

looks like:

AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

This makes sure SHTML is server-parsed.

You're done! Save the file and continue...

Test! (back to Apache top)

First, some explanations of the folder structure in your c:\program files\apache group\apache2, the only ones you need to care about are:

  • cgi-bin (if you changed this to htdocs/cgi-bin you can delete this folder)
  • conf (this has that httpd.conf in it)
  • htdocs (this is where are your html, php and stuff goes - like your public_html folder)
  • logs (contains errors.log - which is great if you have a naff script which doesn't work, it will tell you why...)
  • manual (contains the Apache manual, with loads of information if you're interested)

Right, first, start up Apache, either going into the Start Menu -> Apache httpd Server -> Start Apache in Console or by using the nifty system tray icon for NT users (start server/service)

For Win98 and 95: You should get a DOS box, saying: Apache/2.0.29 (Win32) running... if you get an error message, Apache have included a FAQ for when it doesn't work in the manual, above.

For XP, 2000 and NT: You won't see much, but the system tray icon should have a "play" icon on it...

You must have Winsock 2 installed too. Not necessary for any user above Win95. A search on Google for Winsock 2 should reveal some download locations.

Now the test. Open your browser and type in the address box: - you should get an Apache page. If so - congratulations! You have your own Apache Web Server. If not, check back on above. A reboot helps if you just installed Winsock 2. You are seeing the default page which comes with the server, called index.html.xx in the htdocs folder.

If you changed DirectoryIndex to something obscure, you'll get an error message - if you get a 404 message - that means the server works! You just didn't put anything into it yet...

Now you can clear out the htdocs directory ready for your own files...

Install Perl (top)

Now you have Apache installed, you need to install Perl, as Apache doesn't come with it - but it's really simple...

Download ActiveState Perl

Again, there are lots of versions for different OS, but we're going to use ActivateState Perl for Win32. With MSI.

Download ActiveState Perl - All formats

Remember to download the latest version, as it gets updated pretty frequently.

Install it

Run the program you downloaded, accept all the license agreements etc. Keep the current settings, but change the root (ie the first tab) install directory to c:\usr - it will tack on the bin\perl bit so your path to perl will be: #!/usr/bin/perl which is pretty much exactly the same as it is on most hosts! Isn't that handy? This done, click next and untick the Create Perl file extension assosciation - this means when you open a .pl file it won't run perl, but continue as it did before. I have it run notepad so I can edit files.

Having installed it you can test Perl works:

Test Perl

Let's see if Apache with Perl works! Copy and paste the following file and save it in your cgi-bin directory (c:\program files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\cgi-bin etc.) as test.cgi


print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print "Hello World";

Run it, and cross your fingers! Note: is the path in your web browser.

If it works - congratulations! If not, check the above, and if you're really struggling, ask for help in our forums. If you get an error message, check the ever-useful errors.log file for more info...

Install PHP (top)

This is easy, make sure you followed the steps in editing the httpd.conf file as described at the beginning (adding ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/" etc.).

Download PHP

Ok, goto and goto the downloads page. Goto your respective OS, and for Windows users, you want the ZIP package, NOT the installer version.

Install PHP

When it's downloaded, just extract the zip file to the directory you want (I used c:\php in the httpd.conf file).

Goto your php directory, and rename the php.ini-dist to php.ini and move it to your conf directory in the Apache folder. You don't need to change it, as in PHP 4+ mySQL support is built in.

Test PHP

This is easy, make a file called phpinfo.php with:




Save it, and stick it in the htdocs folder.

Type http://localhost/phpinfo.php in your browser and hit enter. You should get a nice page full of info - it worked! If not, you may need to restart your server, and if still you're having problems, look at the errors.log file for more info.

Install mySQL (top)

Download mySQL

Goto and goto the download area, download the file for your OS. It's very simple.

Install mySQL

Run the setup file, install it where you like, doesn't make much difference.

Like I said before, for XP, 2000, NT users, like Apache, you get mySQL as a background service which automatically loads a traffic signal thingie in the system tray. Clicking on this will give you the mySQLadmin program - which is great.

I haven't tried mySQL on Windows 95 or 98, but you should run the mysqld.exe file in the c:\mysql\bin directory to start it. Then use the winmysqladmin.exe file for the mySQLadmin program.

If you're doing this, I'm taking a chance that you know enough about mySQL to configure your own my.ini, if not, the admin program has a tab for you, which will even do it for you!

You might want to change (in the "my.ini setup" tab of the admin program): to


Test mySQL

I won't go into details over writing php databases, but a quick test is to fire up the mysql.exe in the c:\mysql\bin directory, which should log you on:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
   Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 3.23.51-nt
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

ok, now type the following:

mysql> create database mydb;
   Query OK, 1 row affected (0.08 sec)
mysql> use mydb;
   Database changed


If you got as far as that, it worked! I'll leave it up to you do write the message board...


A few things to bear in mind:
  • the directory where your HTML content is is \htdocs. Just copy your files there
  • if having problems, check out the help pages! Apache and Perl come with extensive documentation. \manual contains Apache documentation and \usr\html contains Perl documentation. PHP and mySQL have online documentation at their sites.
  • If you have any comments, suggestions, improvements, or find any bugs, post in our forums!
  • Have fun!

What I've done with Apache, Perl, PHP and mySQL

  • Installed Ikonboard locally (lots of # out flock commands). Tested out "hacks" which tend to screw up online. Tested mods and style changes
  • Copied my site to htdocs and cgi-bin. Coded it.
  • Learnt PHP and mySQL
  • Used super doopa databases instead of rubbishy flat file databases
  • Saved a HUGE amount of online time

If you have any problems with the above, think it's dumb, or think it's great, email me!

Email Amadeus Stevenson

© 4WebHelp and Amadeus

Latest comments on this tutorial
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For those who get this famous error or similar one : "You DOn't have permission to access /php/php.exe/phpinfo.php on this server."

its because the package you got from php .net is not the right one for Windows.
So you have to download the right package for Windows (but not the INSTALLER) from here : windows .php .net

Hope this help!
Thank you very much i solved issue of getting Forbidden error through this forum.
Before following this tutorial I had serious problems to make run my php Site developped with Apache Module in a Host server working in CGI mode.
I also couldn't run .htaccess on it.
I tried googeling and trying a lot of explanations but nothing could really help.
But since done everything as explained here, my Site and .htaccess are now working very fine so I just want to thank U 4 putting this tutorial in the net.
403 ForbiddenForbidden

You don't have permission to access /php/php-cgi.exe/index.php on this server.
I just now checked the error.log file of apache. it says "[error]The name of the file cannot be resolved by the system.  : Cannot map GET /test.php HTTP/1.1 to file".
can anyone please help me.
hey man,
thanx 4 d tutorial..
bt i confirmed all d steps from your tutorial...
bt it gives me a error msg 403 forbidden: dont have permission to access /test.php.....
i also checked loadmodule, directory setup and all that bt it still doesnt work...
can anyone plz help me out...?
Thanks a lot,

This saved me from wasting so much of time

<Directory />
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  #Order deny,allow
  #Deny from all
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  Satisfy all
i have installed Apache 2.2. After changing the http.conf my apache doesn't start at all. I got the error like the request operation has failed.
could you please help any one.
Daniel Mugo
thank you. it worked but after troubleshooting alot of things. Anyone has a problem with accessing the phpinfo file i.e. internet explorer downloads the phpinfo.php file instead of opening the php information page do this.
1. Make sure the file is saved as a php document. Uncheck the "Hide fiile extensions for known file types" in the folder options of your computer. If the phpinfo.php file is saved as phpinfo.php.txt, rename the file and remove the .txt part. Confirm the changes with your OS.
2. Check your code in the httpd.conf file word for word. If it is perfect, it should work just fine.
<Directory "C:/php">
  AllowOverride None
  Options None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
Thankyou for this!!  That annoying '403 no permission' was driving me nuts.
Jasmine Barnavie
Very, very nice work! Thak you.
I have visited your site 861-times
i dont really understand but you cn email me on im 23
I can't get MySql to work.. I don't know why.. Each time I try to launch it, the window disappears and there's this annoying and loud noise popping! duhhh.. Any clue?
Maria Schioppa
Very good site! Thanks! Smile
Cameron Wijers
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it.
I've been searching for a while and got my solution here.  Thanks very much.
For no premissions. Dont forget to end the path with a slahs. "c:/php/" (correct) and not "c:/php" (wrong).

Just wanted to say thanks - was struggling with repeated errors installing Apache and PHP and you lot have solved it for me.  Much appreciated.
just want to say thanks for the easy to follow tutorial!!!  I've been looking for a way to be able to test and develop my dynamic web skills without constantly uploading!!!!  Real time saver!  Thanks again.
Irineu - Brazil
trying to get Apache2.2x + php4 working for days.
my forehead is bout caved in from banging on keyboard.
my solution for :
(You don't have permission to access /php/php.exe) error
is to add this to http.conf

<Directory "C:/php">
  AllowOverride None
  Options None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

I got the idea from this

<Directory "C:/Apache2/cgi-bin">
  AllowOverride None
  Options None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

There is no documents in apache or php setup instructions for this.
I hope they correct this oversight for other newbies.
Hope it helps


Thanks DG... it helps a lot!!!!
while i test a php program i found this message:-
You don't have permission to access /php/php-cgi.exe/date.php on this server

pls help me.

i m using Apache2.2 and windows 98
trying to get Apache2.2x + php4 working for days.
my forehead is bout caved in from banging on keyboard.
my solution for :
(You don't have permission to access /php/php.exe) error
is to add this to http.conf

<Directory "C:/php">
   AllowOverride None
   Options None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

I got the idea from this

<Directory "C:/Apache2/cgi-bin">
   AllowOverride None
   Options None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

There is no documents in apache or php setup instructions for this.
I hope they correct this oversight for other newbies.
Hope it helps
When I try to start Apache, I get this error message:

Syntax error on line 296 of C:/Program Files/Apache/conf/httpd.conf:
ScriptAlias takes two arguments, a fakename and a realname

Line 296 of my httpd.conf reads: ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache/cgi-bin/"ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"

I have no idea what the error message really means or how to modify line 296. Can anyone help? Also, while installing Apache 2.2.2, I got this error message:

<OS 10048> Only one usage of each socket address <protocol/network address/port> is normally permitted. : make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Anyone have an idea how to interpret and solve these problems?  Thanks!
no more 403 for me! tks

(I also changed the php.exe to php-cgi.exe)
You don't have permission  apache server
try this.....
<Directory />
   Options FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   #Order deny,allow
   #Deny from all
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
   Satisfy all

gud day, ive been configuring my apache and php the whole day, im into windows. the problem is that after i install apache and php and try to test using the http://localhost/phpinfo.php instead of showing the page requested it download the file phpinfo.php.

what do you think is the problem, ive already followed your tutorial. pls help me!!
i followed many tutorials and finally yours too...

still the same problem... i get a 403: Forbidden message saying "Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /php/php.exe/test.php on this server"

ive granted full control to my windows user id for all files and folders in apache and php folders.

is there actually a solution fot this??? im out of ideas... can anyone pleaseeee help me
Aaron Bocanegra
Thanks for the great tutorial, I got apache and mysql working, however php and perl don't seem to.  

When I try to access phpinfo.php which i built and placed in C:\apache\htdocs\
i get: 403 Forbidden: Forbidden: You DOn't have permission to access /php/php.exe/phpinfo.php on this server.

When I try to acces test.cgi from http://localhost/cgi-bin/test.cgi which i placed in C:\apache\htdocs\cgi-bin
I receive: 500 Internal Server Error: Internal Server Error: The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

I have revied the error log, but couldn't find the problem.  

Any Thoughts?
Please disregard previous comment

I also changed the "php.exe" in the httpd.conf file to "php-cgi.exe"

Thanks so much... I hate IIS!!!
Great Tutorial, but please help me...
I want to use php, but I get this error...
[Fri Nov 18 22:33:32 2005] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: php.exe

What do I need to change?

Nice, easy instructions. Thanks!
I had problems geting phpinfo.php file to run.  It kept giving me "php script terminated...yada yada in my error log.  

Changed the following line from
Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"

Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"

and VOILA!!! It worked!!!
i have made all the changes necessary but when i try to open cgi file, will not load. No error report... simply notyhing happens! If i link to the cgi file via and htm link then windows asks me if i wish to save the file!

what is going on????
I managed to set up Apache with PHP and mysql all by myself. That'll show him! (My boyfriend laughed as he walked out the door when I said "I want to try to do this, I promise I won't ask you for help").
Thank you for a superb tutorial that any luser can follow! Smile
Have you ever heard about PHPdev its an easy porgram that allow you to install a test server with a double click ... anyway i gusse you made a lot of work here .. thanks man 4 the great tutorial

Thats a great tutorial that you have made here, I have configuared php, mysql, apache  and perl all work okay.

Except that when i try to run the the test for testing test.cgi i get the folowing message 403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access /test.cgi on this server.

Ben Tandy
I have got as far as installing PHP and when I locate phpinfo.php it gives me a 500 error saying 'Premature End of Script Headers: php.exe. What does this mean and how can I fix it. I've checked all the conf file!
Daniel, 4WebHelp Team Member
StasioS: If you don't say what the problem is, then nobody can help you.

Also please use the forums for problems of this nature. The comments area is for exactly that - comments - and is not designed for questions and answers.
im having trouble. I can't view the php info page, I have done everything the tutorial has told me but there must be a different problem

Great job, i'm learning how to install post-nuke and phpbb together on my comp before buying webspace. Postnuke is a big pain, but hopefully it'l pay off!
Phoenix Edge Network
Really tho .. is extremly well setup and useful in today's society and if your on Linux is the best ive found so far
Digital Bit
[i]Sputnik wrote:[/i]

I am new to PHP and MySQL. I am trying to run PHP and MySQL locally on windows 2000 OS with Apache. When I run mysql.exe in DOS, it displays "C:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe is not a valid Win32 application."

Any idea what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in Advance.

Sounds to me, Sputnik that you've got a corrupt copy of MySQL, delete the one you have and re-download it, it should work then...
To avoid all the trouble with installing all those packages, the easiest solution is to use Uniserver
go to
to download. A complete webserver with php, mysql and lots of other things in just 3MB... Works right out of the box!!
Ciaran Lalor
Very helpful, thanks!
Help I am getting some errors, what am I doing wrong. Probably a stupid question but I am learning!
[Thu Feb 12 10:30:57 2004] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat: C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/cgi-bin
[Thu Feb 12 10:33:20 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/cgi-bin
[Thu Feb 12 10:33:24 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/cgi-bin
[Thu Feb 12 10:33:32 2004] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat: C:/php/php.exe, referer:
[Thu Feb 12 10:38:24 2004] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat: C:/php/php.exe
[Thu Feb 12 10:39:54 2004] [error] [client] script not found or unable to stat: C:/php/php.exe, referer: http://localhost
brilliant!!! Only problem is we can't figure out how to run simplesearch cgi - on a server I'd upload via my ftp prog then change permissions to 755, but how do I do that here? What is the base dir, baseurl, how do I specify the path to the title_url and search_url?

Many thanks. It helped much.
I am new to PHP and MySQL. I am trying to run PHP and MySQL locally on windows 2000 OS with Apache. When I run mysql.exe in DOS, it displays "C:\mysql\bin\mysql.exe is not a valid Win32 application."

Any idea what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in Advance.
Thank you, great help! funny, i'm about to install ikonboard.
Hey guys!

Glad this was of use.

I'm currently thinking about writing different installation tutorials for the two different version of apache (1 and 2) for windows and linux as well.

I will also cover a netbsd installation.
Eric Graves
Excellent tutorial on setting up Apache, Perl, PHP, and mySQL.  I have wanted to find a way to test scripts locally and this is it.  Wonderful.

This things rad it`l helped me loads Very Happy

I am cutting my teeth on Perl/DBI/CGI and this gives me a local platform on which to run tests!

Many thanks for the jump start!

Daniel, 4WebHelp Team Member
The point of EasyPHP is to be easy isn't it, so does it really need explaining? Wink
How about covering setup with EasyPHP Smile ?

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