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Junior WebHelper
Joined: 18 Dec 2006
Posts: 1
Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:15 pm (18 years ago) |
I am trying to get some password protection into some of my pages.
I created the .htaccess file and I am using the mysql mod to control access by using a MySQL table.
That portion is working....
Now I tried to implement a custom error document so that if the person doesn't have a user/pwd setup, they will fail to authenticate and then get rerouted to my custom page...
The code is in place, however now instead of first asking for the userid/pwd, it goes right to the custom error page.. I can test this by commenting out that custom "ErrorDocument" line to test...
Here's my .htaccess file...
order allow,deny
deny from all
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^EmailSiphon" bad_bot
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^EmailWolf" bad_bot
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^ExtractorPro" bad_bot
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^CherryPicker" bad_bot
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^NICErsPRO" bad_bot
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^Teleport" bad_bot
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^EmailCollector" bad_bot
AuthName "By Invitation Only"
AuthType Basic
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthMySQLEnable On
AuthMySQLHost localhost
AuthMySQLDB <dbname>
AuthMySQLUserTable <tablename>
AuthMySQLUser <username>
AuthMySQLPassword <userpwd>
AuthMySQLPwEncryption none
AuthMySQLSaltField none
AuthMySQLNoPasswd Off
AuthMySQLAuthoritative On
require valid-user
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
Deny from env=bad_bot
ErrorDocument 403 /errorpages/Error401403.cfm
ErrorDocument 401 /errorpages/Error401403.cfm
If I comment out the 401 ErrorDocument, it prompts for the userid/pwd and if it is wrong, it will redirect to the apache Authorization Required page that is default with Apache... If I uncomment out the 401 above, it goes immediately to the 401 redirect page without prompting first for the user/pwd combo....
What am I doing wrong???
RickNTpa |
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