OK, so you're pulling your hair out, because you just setup a very simple form which POSTs to a PHP script, but it doesn't seem to work. This is the code you're using:
<form name="test" action="script.php"
Your Name: <input name="name" value="" size="5"
print('Your name is '.$name);
Theoretically, that should work, as long as your form field is called
. Most likely, if that's not working, you're using a
recent version of PHP (4.2 and above) with a certain setting set to off
. This pesky little setting, which
can be changed in the php.ini file (if you're on a shared hosting
server you probably won't have access to it), should never have been set
to on
in the first place. Everyone got used to assuming that
if you submit a form with a field called foo
in it, then
the variable $foo
will automatically be created. But things
should never have been done that way. Unfortunately it's too late to change
that. All I can do is educate you to stop assuming.
find out what version of PHP you're using and if register_globals
is on or off, simply create a phpinfo()
page. At the top of the page will be the PHP version number, and under
"Configuration - PHP Core" you will find the setting of register_globals.
By default, in PHP 4.2 and above, the register_globals
is off
. However, before that version, it always used to be
set to on
. In practice, what this means is that if a form
field is called foo
, $foo
will no longer be
automatically created. This may seem a terrible shame, but it was turned
off for a reason: it can lead to terrible security problems if used lazily.
The PHP Group decided to turn it off
by default for your
security. So, you're saying, What am I supposed to do? Don't worry,
there is another way to get your form fields' values: $_GET
or $_POST
. These magical variables will contain all
the data which was sent to the PHP script via GET
. If you don't know how your data is going to be submitted,
then there is a variable which contains both of these together: $_REQUEST
Now, let's give you an example. Let's say you're using the same form as above to send someone's name to a PHP script. Here's what you would have:
print('Your name is '.$_POST['name']);
Now that wasn't so difficult was it? Here's what you would do if you
changed the form's method to GET
print('Your name is '.$_GET['name']);
Here's one last one, to be used if you're not sure whether the form has
been submitted using GET
(for example,
if you want to allow people to either use a form or just enter script.php?name=Daniel
in the address bar):
print('Your name is '.$_REQUEST['name']);
There are some other variables like $_GET, $_POST
. These would
be used if the data is stored in a cookie, or if the data was stored using
a PHP session. Here's an example:
setcookie ('YourName', 'Daniel');
print('Your name is '.$_COOKIE['YourName']);
In this example, you would call up the first script in your browser, and it would create a cookie called YourName. This cookie would contain the text "Daniel". Then you would call up the second script, which would output "Your name is Daniel".
© 4WebHelp and Daniel
Page URL: http://www.4webhelp.net/tutorials/php/register_globals.php
Back to the "pretty" page!
© 2025, 4WebHelp Team.
Any help would be great
otherwise i am getting the this type of error pls hlep me.
Warning: Unknown(): Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in Unknown on line 0
I have found this tutorial helpfull but I would extend it.
I have a simple trick to display all the variables with their names posted. I have used post method while sending form but you should change it to your needs.
Look at this code:
$keys =array_keys($_POST); // store all variable names into a numericaly indexed array begining at 0
for ($i =0; $i <count($keys); $i++) // go trought the created array and do....
echo $keys[$i] . ": " . $_POST[$keys[$i]] . "<br>\n"; // print data in the format var_name: var_value
Any help would be great
print('Your name is '.$_POST['name']);
$orderid = "$stamp-$REMOTE_ADDR";
$orderid = str_replace(".", "", "$orderid");
This is a unique order ID I want to create, then use it on the next page. But when I try to print it out, I get nothing.
print('Your ID is '.$_REQUEST['orderid']);
Any ideas?
Your tutorial really help me!
Thanks again.
Here's my code:
Your Name: <input name="userid" value="leo" size="5" />
print('Your userid is '.$_POST['userid']);
The output is "Your userid is " Shouldn't it say, "Your userid is leo"?
should be:
Tell me if it works
Thank you. Now to find my php.ini file and fix it.
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