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Smilies List
Smiley Image File Smiley Code Smiley Image File Smiley Code
Very Happy :D or :-D or :grin: Smile :) or :-) or :smile:
Sad :( or :-( or :sad: Surprised :o or :-o or :eek:
Surprised 8O or 8-O or :shock: or :surprised: Confused :? or :-? or :???:
Cool 8) or 8-) or :cool: Laughing :lol:
Mad :x or :-x or :mad: or :vmad: Razz :P or :-P or :razz: or :tongue:
Red Face :oops: or :redface: Crying or Very sad :cry:
Evil or Very Mad :evil: Twisted Evil :twisted:
Rolling Eyes :roll: or :rolleyes: Wink :wink: or ;) or ;-)
Exclamation :!: Question :?:
Idea :idea: Arrow :arrow:
Neutral :| or :-| or :neutral: Mr. Green :mrgreen: or :biggrin:
Confused :confused: Frown :frown:
Cheesy Grin :cheesygrin: Arrow to the Left :arrowl:
Arrow Down :arrowd: Arrow Up :arrowu:

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